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Stephanie Shum is an actor and arts administrator based in Chicago. Credits include The Crucible, Bald Sisters u/s, The Great Leap u/s (Steppenwolf Theatre); Hummingbird (Goodman New Stages); You Deserve To Be Here (Goodman Playwrights Unit); A Christmas Carol, Tiger Style! (TheatreSquared); Do Wasps Have Desires? (Milwaukee Rep); The Gradient (Victory Gardens Ignition Festival); Men on Boats (American Theater Company); Revolution, The Moors u/s (A Red Orchid Theatre), A Story Told in Seven Fights (The Neo-Futurists); Mothers (Gift Theatre); Dogs (Red); One Party Consent (First Floor), Love in the Time of Jonestown, Small World, Merge, Kin Folk, reWILDing Genius, Kate and Sam Are Not Breaking Up (The New Coordinates); The Gulf u/s (About Face); Black Bear Island, The Hundred Flowers Project u/s (Silk Road Cultural Center); Second Skin (Wildclaw); Strange Heart Beating (Cloudgate); We are Pussy Riot (Red Tape). She loves developing new plays, is a 2023 3Arts Make a Wave grantee, a graduate of The School at Steppenwolf, and is represented by Grossman & Jack Talent.